Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tell me what you think? Give me your Feedback!

This is just a quick post as I just opend a new Poll on linkedin here:
The big question is….. In today’s global Economy worldwide, do you believe it’s a good idea to start a home based business and be in control over your own financial future?
I was laid off myself not so long ago and on that day I decided to make a change not only for myself but for my family.
I know there are plenty of people out there just like you and I who are working there 9-5 and many are doing do much more for Company’s that they have worked for, sometimes month’s but many years.
Though some may say it’s risky to go it on your own, I say it the only way to go in today’s world.
Please tell me what you think. Air you opinions, be honest and let’s see what we can do for ourselfs and our Futures in our own hands, once and for all?
Here is the the link again
Click the link above and let the People decide there futures not the CEO’s of big Corporations.
Thank’s again for reading and I’ll be back with more later!
Tamara Ley

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tamara
    Yes, I found you here on your Blogger page after seeing you on Twitter.
    Love the look and feel of your presence online. Your positivity is almost palpable!
    Your story of how you stepped onto the path of self-employment and of now working from home, doing the things you love and helping other people strikes a chord with me.
    This time last year, I took time off from a full-time job for surgery (hip replacement). Unfortunately (or fortunately) while I was home rehabilitating, I was advised that I had been laid off from my employment.
    Like you, I had a choice to become a part of the problem - and be negative about it. Or I could choose to be a part of the answer, and look forward to a future that I would help create.
    And that's what I did. So today, I also work from my home office full-time doing what I enjoy - Psychic readings for luck and prosperity.
    Thanks for providing an opportunity to share my story and good luck with all your own projects.
    Michael Searles
