Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Get 19,530 new Twitter followers in 30 day’s FREE!

How it all started. So I was online the other day as I am usually working and I happen to go to google and do a search on Twitter. You see, I am normally on Facebook and now ofcourse Myspace but I have been joint with Twitter for coming up nearly three months. Now in the whole time I have been with Twitter I only had about 48 people or so following me. So last week around Wednesday, I recieved an email telling me about a live call about how to generate thousands of followers on Twitter, so ofcourse I went to my computer, logged on, signed in and listened to the call. It lasted about an hour or so and it was amazing how easy it is to generate that amount of followers. You see, at the end of the call there was a course on how to do this (How to generate 60,000 people on Twitter) but then again it ended up costing nearly $1,000. now I don't know about anyone else but right now with the Economy being the way it is, I don't have $1,000 to spend. Do you? Don't get me wrong, it was a brilliant program but well out of my budget range. I'm sure you understand my delema. You see if you have hundreds or even thousands of people in Twitted following you by building a relationship first ofcourse the you must understand how life changing this free service will be to you for free advertising. Well on with my point. After the call, I decided to try and find out free way to mass that kind if followers in a short time for free. Well I found it. It's called mrtweet. Yet another brilliant free Twitter tool for any Business. This free tool is some what like a chain letter as there are people that will click your link like mine and then your name will be at the top going down six places I believe. Now as you can imagine, my number of followers have gone up dramatically since I put this into effect. For an example, on May 28th 2009 at 12:57pm I already had 76 followers but when I applied this small but effective technique, people started following me from no where. As if today June 3rd 2009, time is 4:06pm I am just checking my account and there are now 554 people following me! Absolutely amazing. This may not be the fastest way but for free, yes please and I'm sure you will agree. If anyone should need anymore tips, tricks I'd help with there business and advertising, please follow me on Twitter at Myspace at Facebook at Http:// And my link to the business I run from home making a living. Join for free, be on my team and I will show you all my free methods to generating an income from home. Click here for direct access Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review all of my information. Please take my advise and start today. You won't be sorry. Tamara Ley CMPDynamics Global Domains International

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